José Nantala Bádue Freire tem sua tese doutorado aprovada com distinção pela FDUSP
José Nantala Bádue Freire, consultor do Miguel Neto Advogados, concluiu a defesa de sua tese […]
José Nantala Bádue Freire graduated from Universidade Mackenzie (2004) with a Master’s in European Law from the University of Coimbra (2006) and a Ph.D. student in International Law from Universidade de São Paulo (2020).
With over 19 years of professional practice, José Nantala Bádue Freire is a Consultant in Agribusiness, Real Estate, Arbitration and Mediation, and Contracts at Miguel Neto Advogados.
Throughout his professional career, José Nantala worked for renowned law firms and has been a member of committees in both national and international companies, where he gained expertise in the advisory and litigation areas, especially in strategic and highly complex matters.
Despite his generalist experience, which covers both public and private law issues, José Nantala stands out in matters related to agribusiness, agricultural law, real estate, and commercial contracts, with extensive experience, including in international business related to these matters. Among the agricultural sectors José Nantala has worked, we highlight cattle, sugar-alcohol, soy, and coffee. Land and contractual matters are also recurring issues of his expertise.
Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB) – São Paulo, since 2005.
José Nantala Bádue Freire, consultor do Miguel Neto Advogados, concluiu a defesa de sua tese […]
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