Track Record


Blau Farmacêutica

In June 2023, the M&A transaction signed in October 2022 was completed, where Blau Farmacêutica, a leading Brazilian industry in the production of highly complex medicines and a pioneer in…

Grupo Leal

In August 2023, following CADE's approval, Grupo Leal, a 57-year-old Brazilian group comprised of 6 companies specializing in services and products related primarily to occupational safety, was 100% acquired by…

Blau Farmacêutica

In August 2023, Blau Farmacêutica, one of the most important pharmaceutical companies in Latin America, invested in Prothya Biosolutions, a Belgian company, which is one of the 10 largest companies…

Blau Farmacêutica

In September 2023, Blau Farmacêutica, a company that produces highly complex and essential hospital medicines aimed at human health, approved the 6th Issuance of simple, non-convertible, unsecured debentures, in a…


In December 2023, Diamante Energia, created in 2017 to manage the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex in the state of Santa Catarina and currently expanding rapidly throughout Brazil, entered into an…

Redoma Capital

In February 2024, Redoma Capital, a family office of soccer players and celebrities, welcomed Marcus Buaiz and Betina Roxo as new partners, and signed a contract with BTG Pactual for…

Chocolates TOPCAU

In March 2024, Marilan, one of the largest biscuit manufacturers in Brazil, with brands such as Teens, Lev, Pit Stop and Casa Suíça, signed an agreement to acquire Top Cau,…


In March 2024, Central, an asset manager specializing in alternative real estate investments, signed an agreement with AZ Quest Panorama to acquire PNPR01 Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A., a SPE that owns…


In November 2022, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) approved with no restrictions the formation of a joint venture by Raizen [B3:RAIZ4] and Simarelli. The transaction amount has not…


In January 2021, Colacril, a company controlled by BTG Pactual, acquired Syntpaper, a company that operates in the market of labels and special papers for printing. The transaction amount is…

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Miguel Neto Advogados

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