Between March 22nd and 24th, the International Association of Young Lawyers – AIJA held an event in Recife, whose theme was “The Challenges of Compliance and Anti-Corruption”. We had the partners Bruno Guarnieri and José Mauricio Abreu (members of AIJA) as coordinators of the Organizing Committee and two of the panels of the event had as a member our partner Paulo Nasser addressing the impacts of corruption in business and litigation disputes.Entre os dias 22 e 24 de março, a Associação Internacional de Jovens Advogados – AIJA promoveu um evento em Recife, cujo tema foi “The Challenges of Compliance and Anti-Corruption”. Tivemos os sócios Bruno Guarnieri e José Mauricio Abreu (membros do AIJA) como coordenadores do Comitê Organizador e dois dos painéis do evento tiveram como integrante nosso sócio Paulo Nasser abordando os impactos da corrupção nos negócios e nas disputas contenciosas.