Investment Funds

We have a specialized team to help our clients with the challenges and opportunities related to the fund market. Miguel Neto Advogados works both in developing frameworks involving the formation of investment funds and meets the routine demands of the participants in this segment, such as administrators, fund managers, shareholders, custodian agents, and trustees, among others.

The lawyers in charge of this area are always attentive to the normative discussions and guidelines that regulate the sector – issued by agencies such as the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (CVM), the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (ANBIMA), and the Brazilian Association of Private Equity and Venture Capital (ABVCAP).

Our history in planning and structuring investment funds is excellent, with work involving FIPs, FIMs, FIDCs, FIIs, and FI-Infra, among other types of funds.

We set up the funds, from the debates to decide the type of fund, attending meetings with managers and administrators to align procedures and strategies, and monitoring the registration process before the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (CVM). In joint action with our compliance and governance team, we also develop work to prevent illicit economic and financial practices. This involves analyzing, reviewing, creating internal policies, and implementing regulation standards aligned with market best practices.



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+55 (11) 5502-1200

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Miguel Neto Advogados

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